Muamar Nur Kholid, S.E., M.Ak., Ak., CA

Associate Professor – Financial Accounting
Lektor Kepala – Akuntansi Keuangan

Available for contact via:

(+62) 274 881546

[email protected]

Ace Partadiredja Building,
FBE UII Condongcatur Campus,
Jl. Pawirokuat, Ring Road Utara,
Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman,
Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

  • Sarjana Ekonomi (Bachelor of Accounting), Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (Professional Accounting Education), Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Magister Akuntansi (Master of Accounting), Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Associate Certified Public Accountant of Indonesia (ACPA) – Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants – 2018
  • Chartered Accountant Indonesia (CA)Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia – IAI (the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants)
  • Professional Lecturer Certification (Sertifikasi Dosen) issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology
Selected key responsibilities
  • Secretary of Undergraduate Program in Accounting, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia (2022-present)
  • Editor in Chief, Rahmatan Lil’alamin Journal of Community Services (RLA), Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia (2021-present)
  • Managing Editor – Asian Journal of Islamic Management (AJIM) – Center for Islamic Studies and Development FBE UII – (2020 – present)
  • Editorial Assistants – Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam (JEKI) – Center for Islamic Studies and Development FBE UII – (2020 – 2022)
Membership of association and professional bodies
  • Member, Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI)

Available for contact via:

(+62) 274 881546

[email protected]

Ace Partadiredja Building,
FBE UII Condongcatur Campus,
Jl. Pawirokuat, Ring Road Utara,
Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman,
Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Research interests
  • Sharia Accounting
  • Financial Accounting
  • Information Systems (Technology Acceptance)
Selected publications
  • Kholid, M.N. & Asri, N. (2021). The Effect of External Variables on Mobile Accounting App Adoption by Student Entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 31(5), pp. 38–49
  • Sudarsono, H., Tumewang, Y.K. & Kholid, M.N. (2021). Customer Adoption of Islamic Banking Services: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia, Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(3), pp. 1193–1204
  • Kholid, M.N., Tumewang, Y.K. & Salsabilla, S. (2020). Understanding Students’ Choice of Becoming Certified Sharia Accountant in Indonesia. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(10), pp. 219–230
  • Kholid, M.N. (2019). Determinants of Intention to Use Islamic Mobile Banking: Evidance from Millennial Generation. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam, 5 (2), pp. 53-62
  • Hamdani, R., Najamuddin, Y., Haryanto, P.D. & Kholid, M.N. (2020). A comparative study on CSR disclosure between Indonesian Islamic banks and conventional banks: the application of GRI and ISR indexes. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Auditing Indonesia, 24(2), pp. 148-158
  • Kholid, M.N., Alvian, S. & Tumewang, Y.K. (2020). Determinants of Mobile Accounting App Adoption by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise in Indonesia. Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 3(1), pp. 52-70
  • Kholid, M.N. & Jannah, I. (2020). Ethics theory and theory of reasoned action in e-book piracy: An empirical study of accounting students. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 9 (3), pp. 114-122
Conference Papers
  • Aji, H.M., Berakon, I., Muafi & Kholid, M.N. (2019). The Moderating Role of Knowledge about Riba on Intention to Use E-Money: Findings from Indonesia. 2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, ICIEA 2019, pp. 588–593
  • Kholid, M.N., Urumsah, D. & Hamdani, R. (2018). Expectation confirmation model in the transportation order applications: Gender differences. Proceedings of the 31st International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018: Innovation Management and Education Excellence through Vision 2020, pp. 4904–4914

Available for contact via:

(+62) 274 881546

[email protected]

Ace Partadiredja Building,
FBE UII Condongcatur Campus,
Jl. Pawirokuat, Ring Road Utara,
Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman,
Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Selected teachings
  • SAK680 Accounting Data Analytics (Analitika Data Akuntansi)
  • SAK350 Shariah Financial Accounting (Akuntansi Keuangan Syariah)

Available for contact via:

(+62) 274 881546

[email protected]

Ace Partadiredja Building,
FBE UII Condongcatur Campus,
Jl. Pawirokuat, Ring Road Utara,
Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman,
Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Selected topics (Bachelor Thesis)
  • Shariah Accounting
  • Financial Accounting
  • Information Systems (technology acceptance)
© Hak Cipta 2023 - Universitas Islam Indonesia | Jurusan Akuntansi | Konten dimutakhirkan 9 Juli 2023